Baldanzi & Novelli

Adriano Baldanzi and Alessandro Novelli were born and bred in Tuscany. After graduating in Industrial Design at ISIA in Florence they embarked on a design adventure that has led them to be considered amongst the best Italian designers in the seating and office furniture sector. 

Thirty years of experience have enabled them to develop a great design culture and a thorough understanding of the technology available and the real demands of the different markets, to the point that they are considered more partners than designers by the companies that choose them. This approach has always been in their DNA: their career took off after having founded and developed the company Casamania in the early eighties, which was later sold to Frezza, a prestigious Italian brand.

They then devoted themselves to their true vocation: design. Their career encompasses some emblematic geographical milestones: working first in a small but very demanding Italy, then in Europe, they are now in demand all over the world. Their homeland is a source of constant inspiration and their international experiences offer constant enrichment.

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