Stefan Borselius

Stefan Borselius was born 1974 in Malmö. Educated at the Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design. He attended Carl Malmstens school and Steneby school, and studied furniture carpentry and design.

Stefan Borselius is an ingenious designer with a head bursting with ideas. He can be quiet and thoughtful, but when he speaks out he’s quite the verbal gymnast, an art he balances with being an equally inventive and an aesthetically pleasing designer.

Stefan’s choice of career was inspired by his grandfather and great grandfather who were both skilled furniture carpenters. Stefan prefers to call himself a carpenter, and he believes that hands, thoughts and precision are all important tools of his occupation. Right from the function and material of an object through to the final product, Stefan wants to create furniture for our time and our way of living, our here and our now.

When he works with a product, Stefan Borselius leaves nothing to chance, but goes methodically and whole-heartedly through every single detail, every function and every characteristic which a material or a technique can offer.  He pushes the boundaries of what is possible to produce, and would rather give up and pursue another route than not produce anything at all. He leaves no stone unturned in his quest for a solution. 

As a result, his products have a strong sense of identity which already answer unasked questions in their strong expressionism.

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