Stone Designs

Stone Designs is the story of two creators (Cutu Mazuelos 1973 and Eva Prego 1974), and their career spanning over twenty-years.

During all this time, they have developed an enormous variety of projects, from a personal perspective and without censure or filters. This approach has allowed Stone Designs to give expression to its essence in every challenge faced.

Working only with companies which they have an affinity with, without letting being led by client size or turnover. What really drives Stone Designs is their love for working and continual growth; a commitment and open mindedness which has made them a professional and renowned studio within the design world. This commitment to themselves allows them to remain faithful to their identity. Their connection with nature and their taste for simplicity pours out when approaching each new project. Never leaving their personality aside, they have created a wide client base which includes such well-known companies as Muji, Lexus, Coca Cola, Women’secret and De Beers.

However the story of Stone Designs has not been plain sailing. It is the incessant quest for new languages, a journey to the very heart of the people that surround them, using them as the means to not simply design, but to tell real stories, from within, sincere and full of experiences which have been gathered on trips all around the world, forming a unique shade that Stone Designs stamps in everything they do. It is their way of telling all of us how much our lives matter to them and inviting us to enjoy in the most comfortable and acceptable way.

They are not looking for a market dominance but are simply trying to reach people, knowing that this journey takes a long time and effort. Demonstrating that whenever they create something or give a conference, they do so with energy and sincerity, just as in they began, but with the wealth of experience gained during their careers. It is all about showing that there are millions of life experiences, which do not cost money and are a source of happiness.

All this makes Stone Designs a dedicated studio, with a passion and reason for living.

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