Roughly 70 per cent of all employees in open work areas report that the biggest impact on productivity is their co-workers’ conversations (according to Work Design Magazine). In another study conducted in 2018, researchers found that intelligible speech had a statistical impact on computer-based work performance. In particular, speech is the most distracting (Kitapcı, Kıvanç. [2018]. Acoustics and Speech Privacy in Open-Plan Offices: A Case Study on Computer-Based Task Performance). Add into the mix that this doesn’t factor in music, phones, printers or other outside noises. 

The numbers are alarming. The challenge then faced by designers and facility managers is to balance workplace designs that can address noise distraction while simultaneously facilitating collaboration. In a nutshell, it’s about creating connection yet allowing for quiet, focus work when needed.

It is a conundrum, but not one that can’t be solved. One simple and effective solution is to install phone pods (also referred to as phone booths or phone boxes).



Proven Acoustic Benefits

Phone pods bring outstanding acoustic benefits – depending on the brand and make, the sound reduction can be as much as -34db. Phone pods offer an island of respite in a noisy world.

By installing phone pods in an open plan office, end users can utilise them to make phone calls without disturbing colleagues. A phone pod offers a simple way to give employees autonomy and allows them to excuse themselves from the open floor space to have conversations in private. They can also be used in lieu of an office for individual focus work, in a space of quiet respite.

Although the most common designs are built for one, there are others that go up in scale to accommodate small group meetings.


An Immediate Solution 

Unlike a complete fit-out overhaul, phone pods can be installed to create quick wins in a noisy space. Due to their relatively small size and shape, they are an easy addition to an office. It also means that you will not have to give over precious floor space in order to bring something of value to the end user.

Depending on the product you choose, most of the phone pods in the P4 range come with straightforward lead times, there is even some stock on hand. This means the answer to your noise problems in the office can be fixed simply and quickly.




Flexibility Wins the Day

Flexible design is all too important in commercial spaces today. Phone pods bring a new level of flexibility to the office in their ability to be demounted and moved at any time. This agility is suitable to many workplace sectors; one great example is agile working teams that are constantly cycling through different projects. But the options are not limited.


The Rundown

With many brands and products in the marketplace, which should you go with? Each has its own benefits depending on what you’re looking for.



OfficeBricks is a truly plug-and-play solution. Each of the products, including the Phone Unit are fully enclosed, complete with its own walls and floor. This contributes to its outstanding ability to cut out the noise when inside.

But it’s not just about cutting out the noise from outside. It has two-way sound isolation, meaning that conversations from inside don’t make their way outside. 

Validating the value and effectiveness of OfficeBricks is the fact that Steelcase’s team spent 12 months researching the best office and phone pod products in the market and settled on OfficeBricks. This led to an exclusive deal with Steelcase across Europe, Africa and UAE. In Australia, P4 is proud to be the exclusive distributor of this quality acoustic product.



Mute Design

Based out of Poland, Mute Design is a furniture company solely focused on acoustics. Within its comprehensive range of acoustic products is a phone booth, the Space S. Space S brings elegant, sophisticated design at an affordable price. Space S has incredibly high sound isolation properties. 

Being a fully imported product, fabrics and finishes are limited to a select range but with Mute Design’s high design aesthetic this isn’t much of a detractor.

You can expect a product with high design and high functionality.



Boss Design

Boss Design out of the UK offers a private space with its simply titled Telephone Pod (TP4) product. TP4 is all about bringing the much-needed acoustic calm that is lacking in the modern, open plan workplace. 

The product comes with many inclusions such as LED lighting, internal upholstered acoustic panels and an elegant timber detailing on the entire phone pod. 



Phone pods are an easy design solution for the overwhelm and distraction that is infiltrating our workplaces. To find out more about our range of options and to get advice on the best solution for your workspace, reach out to the P4 team today.