Employers spend 90% of their annual operating costs on people. This means that even a small impact on productivity, engagement and satisfaction in the workplace can have huge returns on investment.
It’s no secret that our built environment can shape our habits and choices, regulate our sleep-wake cycle, drive us toward healthy and unhealthy choices, and passively influence our health through the quality of our surroundings.
Health and wellness is one of the largest growing industries, and our clients expect health to have a higher influence on design and construction decisions we make for their projects.
The “agile working” term gets thrown around a lot today – often as a kind of catch-all explanation for new modalities in how we are supposed to be working. Efficiency, collaboration, focus, privacy, social and so on; we use these words far too interchangeably when referencing “agility” and it’s presumed positive effect on our overall wellbeing. But when you strip all that away, what does it actually mean?
At the heart of agile working is people. It’s a way of working in which an organisation empowers its people to determine for themselves where, when and how they work – with maximum flexibility and minimum constraints, facilitated of course through the ultimate blend of technology and design.
Well, that all sounds fantastic on paper, but what are the practical ways in which this way of working makes us work better? Happier? Healthier?
The WELL Building Standard™ is an evidence-based system for measuring, certifying and monitoring the performance of building features that impact our health and wellbeing. As designers, we have a responsibility to improve human health and wellbeing through the built environment. The WELL Building Standard™ provides the opportunity to design and build with a human-centered approach, which ultimately supports designers in comprehensively addressing human health. And as such, they identify SEVEN critical points for creating an agile environment for wellbeing: